在长沙都实现 | “斜杠”青年跨界 带果苗“破浪乘风”


你见过从教师转型成为果苗大亨的人吗?来认识一下来自长沙的宋希吧!他辞去了教师工作,一头扎进果苗生意里。凭借他的 “云苗库” 品牌以及直播的强大影响力,他已售出数百万株果苗,在市场上掀起了波澜。你对他的跨界历程有什么看法呢?请在下方分享你的想法吧!

Ever encountered a teacher who transformed into a fruit - seedling magnate? Meet Song Xi from Changsha! He quit his teaching job and plunged headfirst into the fruit - seedling business. Thanks to his "Yunmiao Ku" brand and the powerful influence of live - streaming, he has sold millions of seedlings, making waves in the market. What's your take on his cross - industry journey? Share your thoughts below!

【Author:】 【Editor:唐子路】【实习生:曾扬平】
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